
Osteoporosis and risk factors in perimenopausal women

  • 摘要:
    目的 研究围绝经期女性骨质疏松症的相关因素,为及时进行干预防治提供方向。
    方法 采用多级分层随机抽样方法,对上海市浦东新区高桥社区内围绝经期女性进行问卷调查、骨密度测量和重要激素水平的检测。
    结果 共收集有效问卷720份。在接受调查的720名围绝经期女性中,骨质疏松173人,非骨质疏松547人。单因素分析显示,不同围绝经期女性骨质疏松患者甲状旁腺素(PTH)水平、雌二醇(E2)水平、体重指数(BMI)、年龄、末次月经时间、绝经等差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.23、4.86、16.06、21.04、10.52、13.02,P<0.05)。logistic回归分析显示,PTH水平异常增高(OR=2.70,P<0.05)、已绝经(OR=1.76,P<0.05)是影响骨质疏松患病的危险因素;BMI高(OR=0.65,P<0.05)、个人月收入高(OR=0.72,P<0.05)、户外日照时间长(OR=0.69,P<0.05)是预防骨质疏松的保护因素。
    结论 绝经、PTH水平的异常升高是影响女性骨质疏松患病的危险因素;围绝经期女性应加强骨密度监测,对骨量减少和骨质疏松者及时采取相应的干预和必要的治疗措施。


    Objective To screen the risk factors of osteoporosis in perimenopausal women, and to provide direction for timely prevention and treatment.
    Methods Using multilevel stratified random sampling method, the perimenopausal women were investigated by questionnaire survey, and the determination of bone mineral density (BMD) and the levels of several important hormones.
    Results A total of 720 valid questionnaires were received. Among 720 perimenopausal women, 173 had osteoporosis and 547 had no osteoporosis. Univariate analysis of the influencing factors of osteoporosis showed that the levels of parathyroid hormone (PTH), Estradiol (E2), body mass index (BMI), age, time of last period and age of menopause were significantly different among perimenopausal women in the prevalence of osteoporosis(χ2=4.23, 4.86, 16.06, 21.04, 10.52, 13.02; P<0.05).Logistic regression analysis showed that the increase of PTH (OR=2.70, P<0.05)and menopause (OR=1.76, P<0.05) were the risk factors of osteoporosis. Higher BMI(OR=0.65, P<0.05), higher personal monthly income(OR=0.72, P<0.05), longer sunshine time(OR=0.69, P<0.05), were the protective factors against osteoporosis.
    Conclusion The increase of PTH levels and menopause are the risk factors for osteoporosis in women. Perimenopausal women should be monitored for bone mineral density and appropriate intervention. Necessary treatment measures should be taken for the patients with osteopenia and osteoporosis.


