
Epidemiological features of foodborne disease outbreaks in Shanghai 2010 to 2020

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解上海市食源性疾病暴发事件的流行特征,分析可能存在的危险因素。
    方法 收集2010—2020年上海市食源性疾病暴发事件信息,分析时间与地区分布、致病因素及可能的原因。
    结果 2010—2020年上海市食源性疾病暴发事件共108起,病例1 736例,其中住院45例,死亡1例;5-9月为暴发高峰,事件数占64.81%;浦东新区、松江区和崇明区事件数占总数39.81%;小型餐馆发生事件数最多,占25%;单位食堂事件导致病例数最多,占27.53%;引发事件的原因主要为储存不当(19.44%)、生熟交叉污染(14.81%)和加工不当(12.04%);事件致病因素以生物性因素为主,引起的事件数和病例数分别占75.92%和77.59%,化学性因素甲醇中毒导致1例死亡;引发事件的污染食品以肉类(17.59%)、多种食品(12.04%)和水产品(11.11%)为主。
    结论 上海市发生的食源性疾病暴发事件引起部分住院及死亡病例,须引起重视,可通过相关部门加强监督管理、开展有针对性的健康宣教等措施控制危险因素,减少食源性疾病暴发事件的发生。


    Objective To analyze the epidemiological features of foodborne disease outbreaks in Shanghai and to find the risk factors.
    Methods We collected the data of foodborne disease outbreaks occurred in Shanghai between 2010 and 2020, analyzed the characteristics of outbreaks, including time and geographic distribution, pathogenic factors and possible reasons caused outbreaks.
    Results Between 2010 and 2020, there were 108 foodborne disease outbreaks with 1 736 cases, 45 inpatient cases and 1 death. May to September was the epidemic period, with about 64.81% of the outbreak occurrence. 39.81% outbreaks occurred in Pudong, Songjiang and Chongming Districts. Most outbreaks occurred in small restaurants (25%) and most foodborne cases were in staff canteen outbreaks (27.53%). The main possible reasons caused outbreaks were improper food storage (19.44%), cross-contamination (14.81%) and improper cooking (12.04%). The major pathogenic factor was biological, caused 75.92% outbreaks and 77.59% cases. Methanol poisoning caused 1 death. The main contaminated food caused outbreaks was meat (17.59%), multiple food (12.04%) and aquatic products (11.11%).
    Conclusion The foodborne disease outbreaks in Shanghai caused inpatient cases and death. We should pay more attention to foodborne disease outbreaks and we can control the risk factors by strengthening supervision and carrying out health education to reduce foodborne disease outbreaks.


