
Epidemiologic and etiologic characteristics of foodborne diseases in Minhang, Shanghai 2016‒2020

  • 摘要:
    目的 分析上海市闵行区食源性疾病病例的流行特征,为制定食源性疾病防控措施提供科学依据。
    方法 对2016—2020年闵行区食源性疾病病例数据进行分析,对病例粪便或肛拭样本开展沙门菌、副溶血性弧菌、志贺菌、致泻性大肠埃希菌、空肠弯曲菌、诺如病毒检测。
    结果 2016—2020年闵行区食源性疾病就诊病例数15 951例,采集样本11 176例,阳性检出率为12.03%。腹泻占99.90%,发热占14.70%;粪便性状以水样便为主(89.70%)。发病主要集中在5—10月(79.78%);以30⁓39岁年龄组和职业为干部的检出率最高(13.53%,13.49%)。病原体检出情况:副溶血性弧菌5.39%、沙门菌3.25%、诺如病毒1.44%、大肠埃希菌1.06%、空肠弯曲菌0.56%、混合感染0.34%、志贺菌无。5年中副溶血性弧菌检出率显著下降(χ2=97.39,P<0.01)。检出率显著上升的有沙门菌(χ2=49.48,P<0.01)、致泻性大肠埃希氏菌(χ2=230.40,P<0.01)、空肠弯曲菌(χ2=1.53,P<0.01)。可疑饮食主要为水产动物及其制品(29.44%)、肉与肉制品(25.80%)、水果类及其制品(10.78%);加工方式以家庭(41.12%)和餐饮服务场所(37.55%)为主。病例中总检出率最高为单位食堂,达到20.51%(χ2=26.64,P<0.01)。
    结论 食源性疾病呈现明显夏秋季节高发的特征,各病原体阳性检出逐年趋于相近,水产动物及其制品是主要的可疑食品,家庭、餐饮场所、单位食堂是暴露的主要场所,应采取针对性健康教育及监督管理,以预防食源性疾病的发生和食物中毒的暴发。


    Objective To learn the epidemiological features of foodborne diseases, and to provide scientific basis for disease control.
    Methods The monitoring data of foodborne diseases in Minhang from 2016 to 2020 were analyzed. Stool or swab specimens were collected to detect salmonellaVibrio parahaemolyticusEscherichia coli, Shigella, Campylobacter jejuni and norovirus.
    Results The information of 15 951 foodborne disease cases and 11 176 samples were collected, with the positive rate of 12.03%.The cases with diarrhea accounted for 99.90% of the total. The cases with fever accounted for 14.70% of the total. The cases with water stool accounted for 89.70% of the total. May to October were the epidemic periods of foodborne diseases in Minhang(79.78%). The detection rate was the highest in the 30‒39 age group and cadre staff occupation(13.53%,13.49%). The detection rates of foodborne bacteria and virus were 5.39% (Vibrio parahaemolyticus), 3.25% (salmonella),1.44% (norovirus), 1.06%(Escherichia coli), 0.56% (Campylobacter jejuni), 0.34% (mixed infection) and 0% (Shigella). During this 5-year period, the positive rate of Vibrio parahaemolyticus decreased significantly, while the positive rate of salmonella and Escherichia coli and Campylobacter jejuni increased significantly. The main suspected food were aquatic products (29.44%), meat (25.80%) and fruits (10.78%). The main processing methods of suspected food were family workshop (41.12%) and restaurants (37.55%). The total detection rate of the cases was the highest in the canteen, reaching 20.51%.
    Conclusion Foodborne disease cases have a seasonal peak. The positive detection of pathogens tends to be similar year by year. The main suspected food is aquatic products. The main resources of suspected food are family workshop, restaurants, and canteen. Targeted health education, supervision and management should be taken to prevent the occurrence of foodborne diseases and the outbreak of food poisoning


