
Epidemiological study on hookworm infection in rural population in Tiantai County, Zhejiang Province in 2022

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解浙江省天台县农村人群钩虫感染状况及相关行为因素,为制订钩虫病的防治策略和措施提供科学依据。
    方法 以≥3周岁常住人口为调查对象,采用分层整群随机抽样法,按地理方位划分为5个片区,每片区在1个行政村开展调查。粪检采用改良加藤厚涂片法;钩虫卵阳性者以试管滤纸培养法鉴定钩虫种类,3~9周岁儿童加做透明胶纸肛拭法检测蛲虫卵。危险因素采用回顾性问卷调查。
    结果 共开展5个乡镇监测点,调查1 013人,钩虫病共检出39例,总感染率为3.85%。所检出虫种均为美洲钩虫,其他线虫均未检出。在所检乡镇中,南屏乡感染率最高(10.95%),不同乡镇人群感染率差异有统计学意义(χ2=48.32,P<0.05);各年龄组间,70岁以上组最高(9.75%);年龄组间差异有统计学意义(χ2=65.65,P<0.05)。随着文化程度的提高,人群总体感染率呈下降趋势;使用新鲜粪便施肥(χ2=6.87,P<0.05)、赤脚赤手下地劳动(χ2=157.69,P<0.05)与钩虫感染存在统计学关联。
    结论 天台县钩虫总体感染率较低,流行虫种以美洲钩虫为主,不同乡镇、不同文化程度人群感染率差异较明显。应重点加强对农民钩虫病防治知识宣传,改变生产生活方式,提高自我防护意识。


    Objective To understand the prevalence of hookworm infection and its relevant behavioral factors in rural areas of Tiantai County, Zhejiang Province, and to provide scientific evidence for prevention and control of hookworm disease.
    Methods By using a stratified cluster random sampling strategy, local residents aged ≥3 years was divided into 5 districts according to geographical location; furthermore, those in one administrative village (surveillance site) were investigated in each district. Species of hookworm were identified by filter paper culture in vitro, and enterobius vermicularis eggs were detected by cellophane anal swab in children aged 3‒9 year. Risk factors were determined by questionnaire.
    Results A total of 1 013 residents were investigated in 5 surveillance sites. Thirty nine cases with hookworm infection were detected, with the total infection rate of 3.85% . All species detected were determined to be Necator americanus. The infection rate significantly differed across the towns (χ2=48.32, P<0.05), with the highest rate in Nanping Town (10.95%) . It significantly differed by age groups (χ2=65.65, P<0.05), with the highest rate in those aged >70 years (9.75%). Furthermore, it decreased with educational background. It was significantly associated with fertilize with fresh manure (χ2=6.87, P<0.05) and barefoot labor (χ2=157.69, P<0.05).
    Conclusion The overall infection rate of hookworm in Tiantai County remains low. Dominant species of hookworm is hookworm Necatoramericanus. It is necessary to strengthen the advocacy of hookworm prevention and control knowledge, improve hygiene in work and life style, and increase self-protection awareness.


